Craft and Chat with The Juno Project
The Juno Project is running a taster wellbeing workshop for home educated young women aged 10-14. Dive into a world of creativity and relaxation, with activities like making your…
The Juno Project is running a taster wellbeing workshop for home educated young women aged 10-14. Dive into a world of creativity and relaxation, with activities like making your…
Join our small wellbeing and fitness sessions at The Shed. Led by Ben and Anna from Everyone Active, this is an opportunity to relax and take part in some fun…
As the autumn summer shines upon Graylingwell, the Community Garden continues to bloom. With a wonderful group of people local to Keeper’s Green keeping it going, the low maintenance, organic,…
Residents approached to CCDT about the need for a bus shelter and we have been working in partnership with Chichester College to make it happen in a way that develops the skills and CVs of local students.
The ‘Discover your Future’ project is a 4-6 week programme which supports young people, aged 15-25 years, providing opportunities to learn various skills whilst being mentored on future work/volunteer opportunities to enhance their skills.
The holiday club, aimed at local children, was a great success with all 20 places taken.
We aim to develop strong and independent communities. CCDT plays an important role as the ‘community anchor’.
It is a massive confidence boost to see how well the plans have done down with local residents from Chichester. It was a fantastic turnout.
The Rubbish Festival, this last weekend, was an outstanding success but it got me thinking about who benefitted the most. Was it...
People are getting to know Chichester Community Development Trust and yet there are still lots of misconceptions. I thought it would be good to introduce some of the members of our small team to give you a flavour of life at CCDT as well as giving you a brief introduction to CCDT’s work…