The Community Fridge

UKHarvest Food Pantry

UKHarvest provide a weekly food pantry in Graylingwell Chapel that provides fresh food at the point of need, asking for a small donation of £5 for two bags of shopping, however, critically this is a donation, and those unable to pay are very welcome to take the food for free.  The pantry runs every Friday from 3.30-4.30pm. 

The service ensures that all the fresh food provided stays out of landfill, ensuring that you’re helping the environment, and cutting down on waste whilst finding some relief from the current cost-of-living crisis.  Where possible UKHarvest and CCDT work with additional support organisations who will be present for those that need them at the pantry. 

The Community Chest @ Graylingwell Chapel

The Community Chest is a space that is free for everybody to use throughout the week. Featuring a fridge and food shelves located in the far end of the entrance to Graylingwell Chapel, it serves to reduce food waste, whilst at the same time supporting those that might be finding it hard to make ends meet just now.

The principle is simple – please take whatever you need, and the rest will be available to others in the same position.  The food is donated by both UKHarvest at the end of their weekly food pantry, and by supermarkets and food producers that would otherwise see the food go into landfill.  

You don’t need to ask for access – please just help yourselves. Supply is variable depending on when food donations are available, but it is often more heavily stocked at the weekend. 

If you would like to make a donation to the fridge or get involved with the volunteer team that supports this please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at