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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Chichester: Launch of Free 12-Week Programme, “Discover Your Future

Women in the Chichester area with a business idea are being offered an incredible opportunity

to turn their dreams into reality through a new, free programme, “Discover Your Future”, funded

by UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UK SPF) and Chichester District Council. This empowering 12-

week initiative is set to launch on 18 September 2024, with a second course scheduled for 8

January 2025. It is designed to provide women with the tools, resources, and support network

necessary to succeed in entrepreneurship.

Discover Your Future is more than just a business course; it’s a comprehensive support system

tailored to the unique needs of aspiring female entrepreneurs. Participants will benefit from a

range of free resources, including:

– Access to Office Space: A professional environment to develop and grow their business ideas.

– Complimentary WiFi & Printing Services: Essential tools to support their daily operations.

– Expert Mentoring: Personalised guidance in marketing, financial planning, and business plan


– Self-Confidence Coaching: Empowering sessions designed to build the mindset and resilience

needed for success.

– Business Plan Writing Assistance: Step-by-step support to create a robust business plan.

– A Strong Support Network: Connection with like-minded women and experienced mentors

who can provide ongoing support and encouragement.

“We believe that every woman with a business idea deserves the opportunity to pursue it,” said Liz Woodsell, Operations Director at CCDT. “Discover Your Future is about providing the

essential tools, confidence, and community that women need to succeed as entrepreneurs.”

Call for Participants and Mentors:

The programme is currently seeking women who are passionate about bringing their business

ideas to life. Whether they are at the very beginning of their journey or need guidance to take the

next step, “Discover Your Future” offers the support they need to thrive.

In addition, the programme is looking for experienced professionals to serve as mentors. These

mentors will play a crucial role in guiding participants through the challenges of starting a

business, sharing their expertise, and making a lasting impact on the next generation of women


Programme Dates:

– 18 September 2024 for 12-weeks

– 8 January 2025 for 12-weeks

Interested participants and potential mentors can find more information by contacting