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The story of Graylingwell’s Organ… continued!

The story of Graylingwell’s organ added another chapter in April 2024 when chapel volunteers Coral Botteley and John Frost visited Jugon les Lacs in Brittany to see and hear the reassembled organ and meet again Yann Drezet, Jean Luc Lelionnais and Bernard Le Bail (who over the space of three days dismantled the organ ready for its journey to Brittany) and the local community.
Coral and John say it is difficult to explain exactly what difference the gift of the organ has made to Jugon and the surrounding communities.

There was an official dinner in their honour on one evening attended by the present mayor Eric Moisan together with the former mayor Roger Aubrée and Madame Marie-France Halna du Fretay who were instrumental in the journey of the organ from Graylingwell to Brittany. Coral and John were presented with a medal commemorating the gift which in due course will be displayed in the Chapel.
An extra mention must be made of the elegant and regal Marie-France who hosted and catered for Coral and John in her magnificent manoir.

At Mass on the Sunday in L’Eglise de St Etienne, which now houses the organ, the gift and Graylingwell were mentioned often and in the afternoon a concert was held there at which Yann, Bernard and two other organists, Philippe Maignan and Dominique Garreau played a selection of music.

The sound emanating from the organ is magnificent and it is difficult to believe that it is over 125 years old and has been taken apart piece by piece and reassembled with great care and love.
The organ now belongs in Jugon and stands resplendent in its church.  It has enriched the local community and CCDT can be rightly proud of itself for donating it.