You are currently viewing The Chichester Shed Youth Programme Social Impact Report 

The Chichester Shed Youth Programme Social Impact Report 

 1st April 2024 – 31st August 2024 

Introduction – The creation and building of Chichester Shed, which is owned and Managed by Chichester Community Development Trust (CCDT), was funded by DCMS and administered through the Youth Investment Fund. Funding was received for a capital project that commenced in August 2023 and was completed in February 2024. A bespoke space was created that is light and bright, complete with underfloor heating, sustainable materials and is a safe space for young people to enjoy and come together. Revenue funding from DCMS has enabled the project to fund a project manager and a youth programme manager, as well as youth workers and facilitators to bring a new program of activity to life. In addition, revenue funding has been received to deliver specific interventions from The Buck Family Foundation and the Solly Family. On its opening in February 2024, The Shed in Chichester launched a program of activities aimed at supporting the well-being, skill development, and social integration of young people in the community. This report details the impact of these initiatives over the first term, focusing on key projects delivered by CCDT including: Discover Your Future Youth, Youth Kitchen, Yoof Club, Youth Ambassadors, Sonic Space, and Discover Your Future Youth 1:1 Counselling. The shed has also provided a valuable and sustainable resource for other organisations including Think Out Chichester, The Young People’s Shop, Graylingwell Girls and Creation Station. These projects have been designed to address various challenges faced by young people, including school exclusion risks, skill deficits, social isolation, community engagement, social anxiety, and neurodiversity-related issues. Through targeted interventions and supportive environments, The Shed’s program seeks to create positive outcomes and create a stronger, more inclusive community for the youth of Chichester. 

1. Discover Your Future Youth – Supported by the Buck Family Foundation – Discover Your Future Youth is a targeted intervention for young people at risk of school exclusion or avoidance. The programme collaborates with local secondary schools to provide tailored support to these students. 

Social Impact: 

▪ Participants: 24 young people 
▪ Well-being Improvement: 83% increase in overall well-being 
▪ Program Duration: Summer Term 2024 

The significant improvement in well-being suggests that the programme has successfully created a supportive environment that addresses both educational and emotional needs. By engaging with at-risk youth, Discover Your Future Youth has fostered a sense of belonging and purpose, contributing to their overall mental and emotional health. 

2. Discover Your Future Youth 1:1 Counselling – Supported by the Solly Family – As an extension of the Discover Your Future Youth project, private 1:1 counselling sessions were established for young people needing specialist support. 

Social Impact: 

▪ Participants: 6 students  
▪ Feedback from Wellbeing Teacher: Dr. Harding works with four students (two from Year 9 and two from Year 10). Students are engaging positively and benefiting from weekly appointments. 
▪ Shanti works with two students (a male in Year 7 and a female in Year 8), both benefiting greatly. 
▪ Improvement in attitude/mood around school observed. 
▪ Overall positive impact and appreciation for the support provided. 

The 1:1 counselling sessions have been crucial for students requiring additional emotional and psychological support. The specialized attention has enabled these students to develop coping mechanisms and resilience, improving their overall school experience and personal well-being. 

3. Youth Kitchen – – Supported by the DCMS – The Youth Kitchen initiative focuses on teaching young people valuable culinary skills, alongside promoting healthy eating habits. Each participant takes home a nutritious family meal each week. 

Social Impact: 

▪ Participants: 16 young people 
▪ Confidence Increase: 100% increase in confidence regarding their ability to learn new skills 

This project not only equips participants with practical cooking skills but also enhances their self-efficacy and independence. The confidence boost observed among participants is a testament to the programme’s effectiveness in skill-building and personal development. 

4. Yoof Club – Supported by the DCMS – The Yoof Club offers a weekly social space for young people to interact, build relationships, and engage in various activities. The club is inclusive of students from multiple secondary schools and the home-educated community. 

Social Impact: 

▪ Sessions Held: 15 sessions 
▪ Registered Attendees: 50 young people 
▪ Relationship Building Improvement: 90% of attendees reported improved ability to build relationships with peers 

The Yoof Club has become a vital social hub for the youth, promoting inclusivity and peer support. The high level of reported improvement in relationship-building skills highlights the club’s role in fostering social connections and reducing feelings of isolation among participants. 

5. Youth Ambassadors – Supported by The Safer in Sussex Community Safety Fund – The Youth Ambassadors project is aimed at building community engagement and fostering intergenerational relationships. The programme recruits young people to lead and participate in various community engagement events. 

Social Impact:

▪ Participants: 10 young people 
▪ Community Engagement Events: 6 events 
▪ Community Groups Collaborated With: The Community Gardeners, The Shedders, and the UK Harvest Food Bank 
▪ Self-Confidence Increase: 87.2% 
▪ Relationship-Building Ability Increase: 93% 

The Youth Ambassadors have played a crucial role in strengthening community ties and promoting positive intergenerational relationships. Their involvement in diverse community events has not only benefited the local groups but also significantly boosted the ambassadors’ self-confidence and relationship-building skills. The positivity and dedication shown by the Youth Ambassadors underscores the importance of such initiatives in creating a cohesive and engaged community. 

6. Sonic Space – Supported by the Solly Family – Sonic Space is a music-focused project aimed at supporting young people experiencing social anxiety and issues related to neurodiversity. The project operates on a referral-only basis and is designed as a small group initiative. 

Social Impact: 

▪ Stage: Early stages 
▪ Feedback: Positive, providing a safe and supportive environment 

Although Sonic Space is still in its early stages, initial feedback indicates that the sessions have successfully created a positive and safe environment for participants. The use of music as a therapeutic tool helps address social anxiety and neurodiversity-related issues, offering a unique and creative outlet for self-expression and emotional support. 

7. Think Out Chichester – Supported by the DCMS –The Shed has been made available to Think Out Chichester on favorable rental terms, providing a modest income for The Shed while offering an affordable and accessible space for the organisation. Think Out Chichester supports young people with disabilities, helping them live, learn, and work more independently. This partnership allows Think Out to facilitate various programs for individuals aged 18 to 35 with disabilities, creating opportunities for skill-building and personal development. With access to The Shed, participants can gather in a safe and supportive environment, learning essential independent living skills. This includes activities such as cooking, budgeting, and daily household tasks, which are crucial for fostering independence. Additionally, the space is utilised during daytime hours, two days a week, providing a consistent and reliable venue for these young people to engage in educational and social activities. 

8. The Young People’s Shop Chichester – Supported by the DCMS –The Shed has been generously made available at no cost to The Young People’s Shop (YPS), a charity dedicated to providing free and confidential support for young people aged 11 to 25 who are experiencing mental health challenges. YPS is based in Chichester city centre but extends its services to ensure that every young person in the Chichester and Arun Districts has access to the help and advice they need when facing mental health issues. Leveraging the space provided by The Shed, YPS has been able to deliver a variety of health and well-being sessions tailored to support the mental and physical health of young people. These sessions include Yoga and Pilates classes, which are designed to promote physical fitness, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. Additionally, YPS offers small group counselling sessions within this supportive environment, providing a safe space for young individuals to discuss their struggles, receive professional guidance, and connect with peers facing similar challenges. This collaboration with The Shed not only allows YPS to enhance its outreach and impact but also aligns with The Shed’s mission to support the well-being and development of young people in the community. 

9. Space to hire – The Shed has also been made available for hire through a simple and user-friendly online booking system, catering to local youth groups and services. This approach not only streamlines the booking process but also provides a vital source of income to support the project’s operational costs and the ongoing maintenance of the building. Among the hirers of The Shed is Creation Station, an organisation that offers engaging craft sessions designed to inspire creativity and artistic expression in young people. Additionally, Graylingwell Girls, a local initiative focusing on girls’ football and coaching sessions, has utilised The Shed’s facilities. These sessions promote physical fitness, teamwork, and confidence among young girls, encouraging their participation in sports and providing valuable coaching and mentorship. The Shed has also been hired by school groups, after-school programs, and holiday clubs, offering a versatile space for a range of activities. These groups benefit from the accessible and well-equipped environment, enabling them to conduct educational and recreational activities that support the development and well-being of young people. By accommodating such diverse groups and activities, The Shed not only fulfils its mission of supporting youth development but also ensures a steady income stream to sustain its operations. This financial model allows The Shed to continue providing a valuable community resource for the young people of Chichester. 

Conclusion – The Shed’s youth programme has had a significant and positive impact on the lives of young people in Chichester, during the Summer Term of 2024. Through Discover Your Future Youth, Youth Kitchen, Yoof Club, Youth Ambassadors, and Sonic Space, the initiatives have enhanced well-being, boosted confidence in new skills, improved social interactions and fostered community engagement. These outcomes demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of targeted youth support programmes in creating a more inclusive and supportive community environment. 

In the future, continued monitoring and evaluation will be essential to sustain and build upon these successes, ensuring that The Shed can adapt to the evolving needs of the youth and maintain its positive impact. 

The Chichester Shed Youth Programme Social Impact Report