The Community Garden
Keepers Green

Since 2021, the CCDT Community Garden at Keepers Green has been thriving, producing a variety of vegetables, fruits, and flowers thanks to the dedicated efforts of a few committed gardeners. We’ve successfully achieved our original goals of growing mainly edible plants along with ornamental flowers and shrubs, and with your support, we’re excited to do even more in the future!
The CCDT Community Garden at Keepers Green welcomes all residents of Graylingwell and the surrounding community, regardless of gardening skills or experience. It’s a fun place to grow plants, meet like-minded neighbours at seasonal and social events, and work together to produce organic food and plants for everyone to share.
Once you’re a member, you can access the garden immediately – no long waiting lists like more traditional allotments may have. Membership is £15 per household per year, with all contributions going into the ‘Garden Pot’ to fund improvements and additions to the garden.
The garden is enjoyable for all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a gardening expert or a complete beginner, everyone is welcome to join.
If you want to grow wonderful organic vegetables, low-maintenance fruits, decorative plants, and colourful flowers, the CCDT Community Garden is the place to be!