Marchwell Stables is currently an old, empty stable block, on the edge of Graylingwell Park, in need of serious TLC and development. The next stage of the Graylingwell Park community work is to redevelop the stables, and turn them into new studio spaces for artists and makers of all kinds. And we need your help. This first consultation will enable visitors to view plans drafted to date, visit the site first-hand, and share ideas, hopes and aspirations for the space.
We’re holding a community ‘Thinking Day’. It’s vital to us that our designs factor in all of your thoughts and concerns, particularly those that will use these wonderful facilities once completed. It will be a space for artist and makers from the area that may otherwise find it challenging to gain access to such spaces. We want them to be empowering, welcoming and perfectly designed for all, and that’s why we need your help.

Those interested in the project are invited to the Water Tower at Graylingwell Park as a drop-in session from 3-7pm on Thursday October 24th. There you will be asked what you feel should happen at the studios; who should be able to work there; how can local people use the space; whether you are already doing something that could use the space; and how you feel it could best benefit the wider community of Chichester.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided to all who visit, and to those unable to attend at the time provided – please send us your thoughts and feedback via an online form that will remain open until the 31st October, accessed by the this link. More information will be shared via CCDT’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter closer to the event (please do connect with us on one or more of our social media channels). Those considering attending should be reassured that they need not be makers or artists themselves, simply interested, in possession of some great ideas, or would like a site visit!