A master craftsman in all aspects of woodwork, Edward Johnson has been selected to deliver the beautiful items of carpentry that will form the centrepieces of Graylingwell Chapel once open. Chichester Community Development Trust (CCDT) has commissioned local furniture designer, Edward, to create the shelving and presentation units on which the story of Graylingwell Hospital’s past will be told.
In addition, Edward will design and craft an area of discovery and entertainment for pre-school visitors to the chapel, incorporating slides with book shelves, spaces to crawl in and climb over, as well as a space to sit and take it all in. The bespoke made pre-school interactive area will reflect the same look and feel of self-discovery and style as the wider chapel, all created to make visitors feel welcome, cared for and a little intrigued.
Now based in Bosham, Edward graduated with a first class Honours degree from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University, and has slowly and carefully built up his business to the award winning furniture company it is today. Edward’s first studio was a bench space within a co-operative workshop in Brighton. As the business began to grow, it was evident that it needed to expand. In 2014, after being awarded a ‘Be the Business’ matched funding grant, he secured his own workshop in Bosham, Chichester.
The studio and workshop environment has provided Edward with a rare opportunity as a designer-maker that allows him to constantly develop his designs into beautiful three-dimensional objects. The work produced is very ambitious and aims to push wood to its limit, made possible by an exacting knowledge of working with timber.
The bookshelves and creations that Edward produces will be centre stage in Graylingwell Chapel when it opens at the end of this year. For more information on Edward Johnson Ltd and the work they have carried out please visit his website here. For more information on the chapel project please do visit the website here, or follow the social media accounts @graylingwellchapel
Images by local photographer Alan Frost -https://alanfrostphotography.com/