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Coffees and Community Action at Roussillon Park

We would like to encourage you all to come to our weekly community café at the Community Hall in Roussillon Park that takes place every Thursday from 10.30-12.00. We hope to bring our local community together, to meet a member of the CCDT; to discuss ideas that we could potentially support; or provide insights from local organisations that we will arrange to be guest speakers at one of these get togethers on the second Thursday of each month. This is also an opportunity to connect with the Residents association and Shadow management group for Roussillon Park and feel stronger links to those around you.

This session has been running every Thursday since the Hall opened in 2014, in order to give the local people an opportunity to connect with the CCDT staff (something that is very important as all the work we do is for the benefit of those living and working nearby), to discuss relevant topics or just a chance to catch up with neighbours. Even through COVID this group managed to keep going throughout lockdowns with Zoom calls available each week to connect with those around them. We were so pleased to hear a Roussillon resident recently explaining how he thought “many people in many parts of the country, or indeed world, would be delighted to have an equivalent of CCDT… You make it a better community to live in”.

An exciting, new ‘meet the Community’ slot is starting in 2024, where external agencies will come to our meeting on the second Thursday of every month to introduce their organisation and how they can help our community. For example, on January 11th, a Community Ambassador from Citizens Advice Bureaux will be coming along to the session. Others scheduled for the future include WS Library Services and the local PCSO.

Please come along on a Thursday morning to meet your neighbours, meet the CCDT team, and to help us make the best difference in our community by giving us feedback on what you would like to see. The meetings are held at The Community Hall, Donegal Avenue, Roussillon Park, PO19 6DF (except on the 4th Thursday of the month when it is held at Graylingwell Chapel, PO19 6BZ).

Furthermore, you can always drop into our sessions to find out more about other community projects that the CCDT runs in across our community buildings including book club, stitch club, community garden and I.T drop in sessions. If you would like any more information about these cafes or your organisation would like to speak at one of them don’t hesitate to drop our Roussillon Park Community Development Officer at