Community = Sunshine! A fantastic formula from our Junior Ambassadors.

Back in March, the Junior Ambassadors had a session with PlayMosaic at The Lodge to plan and create a large scale mosaic mural around the theme ‘what our community means to us’. We thought you might like to see the end results!

The Junior Ambassadors group is organised by Chichester Community Development Trust.  These children share a common aim: to be the voice of the community for 7-11 year olds.

The young people attending created beautiful pieces of artwork, really enjoyed the creative process, experienced working as a team, and had to concentrate really hard, plan and apply logic.

The first stage was to design their artwork on wooden slates with pencil, before breaking lots of different coloured tiles into minute pieces.  These pieces were then glued onto the slates according to the design in order to create beautiful and colourful mosaic artworks.

The workshops were a huge success with 13 young people taking part and every one of them producing a mosaic piece. Some contributed to the large scale piece while others created a single tile piece.

The plan is to use the large scale tiles to create a mural on the outside wall of The Lodge for all to see, and the smaller pieces combined to create a smaller mural which will be put on the wall inside The Lodge.

The end result?  A piece of art that will be a permanent fixture in their community that the children are really proud of.  And it was so much fun, the word is spreading: more children are coming to the Junior Ambassador sessions than ever before.  If your child wishes to join, please contact Casper on 07739 649477 or

We think the mosaics look wonderful too and can’t wait to see them in place.

If you would like to learn more about all the programmes we organise for young people, please see our Youth Work info.