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Raising a Beer to the Community in Chichester

For centuries communities have come together over a drink as a means of supporting each other and enjoying valuable down time. When Chris Bond travelled through America last year, he noticed that almost every town he passed through had a brewing project that formed a central hub of energy and enjoyment. On his return to Chichester he felt this was something that could and should be introduced locally, and through his work with the CCDT a Community Brewing Project is about to begin…

Having watched his uncle brew beer throughout his childhood and beyond Chris always loved the sight and smells of home brewed beer – it’s unique flavour, and the process of patiently brewing each batch until the time was right to sample it. Chris is passionate about all beers, with a current love of modern IPAs, with their fruity flavours, aromas and head retention.

In April of this year, having been one of the first residents of the Graylingwell Park development, Chris approached CCDT, the charitable Trust responsible for empowering people and developing community spirit in the region, to see what was possible. Trust Director Clare de Bathe was instantly interested and in just one month the team is now announcing the first Community Brewing Group meet and greet evening in Graylingwell’s stunning Water Tower. A chance for beer lovers to share their ideas, learn about the brewing process and socialise with local residents. Chris comments,

“It was surprising to see how each town in the US had its own brewery and each one had a community of friendly people who came together over a beer. The brewery was the soul of the town and always made you feel welcome and that is how I hope this project turns out. Bringing people together from all different walks of life for a welcoming chat, learning about beer and getting involved.”

The group is open to all ages and abilities. Chris is the first to admit that many of his early brews were terrible and wants to assure all visitors that the project is about having fun, learning about the process and chatting about something we all love. The meet and greet will take place at The Water Tower on 15th May from 6-8pm and all residents of the Graylingwell and Roussillon Park development are welcome. This will be followed by a “Brew Day” on 1st June from 12-5pm where visitors can come and see beer being made and try some home brews. This will also be an opportunity to get signed up and get involved with the longer-term project.

For more information do follow our social media channels or email us at