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Growing a Stronger Community

It’s time to dig in and get involved in the brilliant new community garden that’s just about finished and to be enjoyed by all the residents of Graylingwell Park, Keepers Green and Roussillon Park.  If you live at any of those sites we would love you to be involved in some way!  Located on the edge of Keepers Green’ cricket pitch, just along from the new Lodge, the site is a beautiful space to connect with neighbours and enjoy this wonderful communal project. 

Hill construction has worked hard to complete the garden. Self-binding gravel has been laid down – this will help suppress weeds.  A water source has been installed. A deck and pergola (with covered roof) are already there, and a shed and four, extendable wooden compost bins are on their way. Raised beds have been built, some installed at ground level (to which cold frames can be attached) and most installed as planters on legs at about waist height. This makes it so much easier to reach and tend the plants for those not so keen on bending or kneeling down.

The goals for this garden are to produce mainly edible plants but also ornamental flowers and shrubs using methods that are low maintenance, organic, eco-friendly and fun for all ages and levels of ability.  It doesn’t matter if you haven’t had any experience of gardening and don’t know your peas from your petunias – the team will work together to learn, grow and have a lot of fun.

We are now starting to build a team that can create a growing calendar, learn about and develop organic growing science, garden based learning for adults and children, and build and work on a monthly to do list.  If you would like to be involved in this exciting new project please contact our amazing community development officer, Angie by emailing her here.